27 sept 2014

Maps of the city: Brighton (UK)

Sólo falta una semana para el evento BlytheCon UK, que éste año se celebrará en la ciudad costera de Brighton, al sur de Inglaterra.
Voy a mostraros algunos mapas divertidos que he encontrado de Brighton, espero que os gusten! :D
Only one week left for the BlytheCon UK event, which this year will held in the seaside town of Brighton, southern England.
I´ll show you some fun maps I found of Brighton, I hope you like it! :D

 by John Montgomery

by Anna Simmons

by Lukspicer

by Phil Dobson

by Russell Cobb

by Seam Seams

by Helen Cann

Old tourist map

by Linzie Hunter

by Cartographic

by Boston Public Library


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